
My name is Ian Remedios.

I am an HR L&D Professional with more than 15 years of international experience, specialising in learning and development. I also love graphic art and pop culture. I discovered the art of sketchnoting some years ago and I try to making adult learning fun by merging my two passions of comic books and L&D together. I decided to create these visual learning guides to help people develop and refresh their skills in a fun, fresh and accessible way.

My sketchnotes are on HR, management and L&D topics. I put in a lot of thought and effort into collating the information on a subject into a sketchnote and like them to have as much practical information as possible, with the help of (spoiler alert!) pop culture references!

They have been gaining popularity on LinkedIn and Twitter under #LnDtips, so I have finally decided to collate them in one place. If you like my work, please like and share them with everyone you know.

I try to post new sketchnotes ever so often, so keep checking for updates.

You can also find me on Twitter @IanRemedios26 and LinkedIn.